My friends and I were sharing with each other some of the books we were reading and as I started to talk about mine I realized I AM READING A TON OF BOOKS!!!! I decided to collect them all from my office and around my house, and even though I should probably only stick to 1 or 2 books at a time, I noticed that I am in the middle of some incredible material! Some of them are for youth ministry, some are for my leadership study, one of them is for my online institute training and hopefully all of them are for personal growth. So I am super curious....
What books are you currently reading?
"Beware of the man with one book."
What books are you currently reading?
"Confessions of an Ad Man" -- David Ogilvy.
hey!-my homeroom teacher reads us a few pages off of crazy love every morning.blunt but good book.
oh & im reading!...
Parables of Peanuts-by Robert L.Short
Twinkle-by Elisa Morgan
The Bridesmaid Guide-Kate Chynoweth
Five Thousand Quotations for all Occasions-by Lewis C. Henry
For young women only-by Shaunti Feldhahn & lisa a.rice
Just finished The Milkshake Moment (Steven S. Little)
In the middle of Love & Respect (Dr. Emerson Eggerichs)
Starting The Slight Edge (Jeff Olson)
Waiting to read Sacred Legacy (Myrna Grant)
just finished...
the help by kathryn stockett
love love loved it! about black maids in the south in the 60's.
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