Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Has it already been 4 months?

He can roll front to back.
He is 2 seconds away from rolling back to front.
He will smile if you look him in the eye.
He doesn't like to waste his time eating if there are people in the room.
He has a stronger grip than I do.
He discovered his hands.
He has pretty much discovered his feet as well.
He is very ticklish in the neck.
He loves when Zoey reads to him.
He watches Isaac like a hawk.
He laughs when you change his diaper.
He is the love of our lives.


Nina Bunk said...

omg that is the cutest picture of him!!

nikki galas said...

I want to come see him before all these things are old news and he is talking and driving!!

angela said...

Soo cute!!

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