Monday, October 27, 2008

32 days and counting...

32 days until THANKSGIVING!

1. Which President was the 1st to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be held the 4th Thursday in November?

2. What does the word "cornucopia" mean?

3. In what year did the 1st Macy's parade take place?


Valerina said...

of course you can adopt me!!! I love spending time with you too!!! I'm coming over tonight!!yesss!!

Life with Linda said...

History boooks will tell you that George Washington declared the First National Thanksgiving Day...a little known fact was that it was his wife's cousin's idea. Her name was Bea Dearahn Pasdastuphing.

Cornucoppia is a horn of plenty first invented by the Native Americans from the tribe of watchagotdar.

Macy's first Thanksgiving day parade was in 1924...the same year as Hudson's Parade...while there has always been a healthy competition and discussion about who's idea it was, recent documents unearthed when Hudson's was demolished showed that a swedish man submitted the idea to both Stores the previous year. His name was, havsomfohn Yabehcha.

anytime you need to know anything, just ask me

One Thing... said...

I don't know these answers but Isaac sure is cute!

Jaimie said...

ummm, yeah...Isaac is cute!!!

Nina Bunk said...

i want a tree too!

Kathy said...

I'm glad to see that someone else knows history besides me. those are very interesting facts that Aunt Linda submitted.

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