Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winding down our Tuesday...

(We aren't quite sure about the rash on his face, but we are working on it... probably a reaction to something I have been eating. The scratches are him messing with it... my poor lil' bruiser!)
Around 5:30pm Elijah became really fussy. I tried everything. Feeding him, rocking him, changing him, putting him in his swing, burping him, singing to him, etc. Nothing seemed to work. It's not that strange, babies get fussy all the time, but not this kid. If he's fussy, it's usually because he needs something, and as soon as that need is met, he is all smiles, or fast asleep. I just took him to my room, closed the door and held him tight and prayed. After a couple of minutes he fell fast asleep in my arms. I couldn't put him down. I was overwhelmed by this incredible gift God has given me... a son who will someday grow up to be a man of God. It was a sweet end to a very loooooooooooooong day. I finally laid him down in my bed and watched him sleep. I realized how little time I have had to just be with Eli and this moment meant  the world to me. It was like the Lord was keeping the house peaceful so I could have a moment to be reminded... of everything.
Psalm 5:12
"You bless righteous people, O LORD. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor."

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Don't you just LOVE moments like that? So sweet! :) Oh and poor lil man, with that rash! My babies ALWAYS get stuff like from time to time when they were newborns. With Mason it was ezema (spelling??). he STILL gets it. and it itches like crazy. Aveeno lotion for babies always helped him.

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