Sunday, November 14, 2010

how do YOU do it?

With 3 kids running around this joint and a calendar that is always full, I have no choice but to be as organized as I can possibly be! That being said, I am still needing inspiration on how to make this all work and to keep it together in the process. I realized how crazy it is getting when my friend Connie came to visit and told me that just looking at my calendar stressed her out.
The funny thing is that this month was light because I was on maternity leave!
I want to get some input on ways that people have made it easy on themselves to stay organized. PLEASE HELP ME OUT... what do you do around your house, big or small, that helps you get through the day. What is your one special organization tip?

Here are the things that have worked for me... most of them inspired by someone else's idea.

I have a "meal calendar" that helps me think through what's for dinner every night. I make sure I have everything I need before the week starts so I am all set by Monday. I can change it around if something comes up, but I don't have to look through my cupboards and think of a brilliant idea off the cuff.
We have a special "library book" bookshelf that is in our living room. Isaac and I go to the library every Monday and he picks out 12 books that he wants to read that week (I always keep it the same number so I never have to remember how many to take back). This keeps them handy when he wants to read a new book, and when the books are due, I know where they all are.
 I have organized all the kids puzzles in our puzzle box. I cut off the top of the box, and put it in a ziplock with all of the pieces for easy storage. I also mark the back of each puzzle piece corresponding to that puzzle so I know where a piece goes when I find it under the couch. It takes some time when you do it, but is SO worth it afterward, and it makes it easy for the kids to put it away themselves. Plus, it's so easy to pull down the puzzle box when Isaac has his quiet time.
 Lastly, I have a coupon folder (inspired by my sister Keri). I have all my coupons in here separated in different categories... groceries, restaurants. stores, etc. I also keep important receipts in here and gift cards.... that way I can just grab the folder and throw it in the car when it's errand day.
So those are my special organization tips... nothing life changing, but it helps me keep some sanity in this crazy house. Now PLEASE comment me with at least one thing you've found to work good in your house. I want to learn from others so I can make this work!


Life with Linda said...

You are amazing!!!

Here's my tip: I have a notebook, i record the gifts I give to my family each year...I make quick notes for next year...
otherwise sometimes i but thru the year and forget what I bought.
I note what food we had for christmas Eve and if it worked or i made too little or too much

lori bunk said...

i LOVE that idea!!

Jaimie said...

this post is SOOOOO fun!!! I may just have to do a whole post on this subject, lol! In the meantime - I also have that weekly dry erase board. I keep my yearly/monthly calendar in my purse so I always have it when I am with people to make plans on the spot. Each Sunday night, I sit down and write the weekly schedule/plan for the following week on the dry erase board. One week at a time makes it less overwhelming for me!!! BTW - I LOVE the puzzle idea...I actually planned on doing the exact same thing, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Thanks for the re-inspiration!

denise said...

My calendar is a largish dry erase calendar that is magnetized and on my fridge. I have different colored dry erase markers I use for certain things. Appts, regular schedule of stuff (school, church), then another color for things I have to do (nursery, fellowship groups). Then I reserve a color for add ons. That way I can erase when things get changed rather than crossing off and not having enough room. It works for me! It's sorta like this:

April Maus said...

Wow...I'm just interested in hearing what everyone else's ideas are..Lori you seem to have it all together :-) I use a weekly dry erase calendar too, in addition to a big paper one, but that's about it! I have a problem with letting papers pile or stack up! I seem to never find the time to organize them, so I have all these little piles of paper in my office!

appleandi said...

google calendar.

I can have different calendars (life, school, bills, menu, even tv show reminders!) all set to send me my daily schedule on my phone via text. I can text appointments or reminders to my calendar so I never forget anything. After I have everyone buckled when leaving the library I send a text to my calendar before I leave the parking lot "library 13 items due dec 23." I haven't had a late fee in over a year! My calendar is set up to remind me of appointments two days in advance so I never forget about a doctor appointment or those library books! And I can print off the calendars. Just the menu to hang in the kitchen. Or mine, hubby's and the tv schedule so we don't over book anything. And each calendar can have a different color to keep everything festive.

I know I sound like an ad for google but this calendar keeps me organized!

One other thing we have two really big boxes of puzzles all in bags just like you. I cut out the little picture from the sides of the puzzle boxes and glue them to a "master sheet." That way the kids can have a quick look at all the puzzles to decide which one they want to work on. I also mark how many pieces are in the puzzle on the master sheet so I know what kind of mess I could be getting into!

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