Wednesday, September 12, 2012

and in all things... session 39

I woke up a little overwhelmed this morning... in a good way. Right now I am sitting quietly at my computer with a hot cup of coffee and I can hear the birds chirping outside the window. In a minute that will change. I will hear coos from my baby for his morning bottle, loud "mama"s from my toddler who desperately needs a diaper change and the older ones will be starving for breakfast. God has been so faithful. He has given me EVERYTHING I have asked for.... everything that was part of His plan, anyway.... Thank God!

Things I am thankful for on September 12, 2012...
  1. Romans 8:35
  2. A husband who pushes me to Jesus and is constantly building me up to do what God has called me to do... in each aspect of my life. (Not to mention that he takes on a lot of extra responsibility so that I can pour time and effort into the other areas of ministry I am involved in)
  3. A God who answers the prayers of my heart. He has blessed my family. He has protected my children. He has opened opportunities for our family to minister to others. He has developed relationships for all of us that cause us to me more like Christ.... and with all of these He continues to do so.
  4. Eczema lotion, Neosporin and Phineas and Ferb band-aids
  5. Facial cleansing wipes and anti-wrinkle face cream
  6. A church family that is mission-minded... and a close network of friends that are constantly challenging my devotion to Christ by their lifestyle to honor Him in everything they do. (I'm talking about you, Jaimie- our talk on Monday wrecked my whole thinking about "eternal living")
  7. Drive-thru ATMs with the new "scan a check" feature... brilliant!
  8. Yarn.... I have been using it for everything!
  9. Isaac's 1st grade teacher. Beyond a million things she does with these kids that I LOVE, this amazing woman feels that teaching character and responsibility is just as important as academics... warms my heart.
  10. The bus.... although it was painful letting my eldest child drive away from me in a large, yellow concoction, I am now so grateful that this small aspect of his school experience has saved me almost 2 hours of travel time a day with the other children! (Although I do have to say that I miss our scripture verse memorization time we used those travel times for last year)


May-Day said...

So, you are SUPER MOM and SUPER FRIEND. You bless my socks off.

Jaimie said...

The Lord amazes me...and His love shines through are a such a blessing:)

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