Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good ol' Ratatouille

For Easter this year, my Aunt Linda got Isaac an Easter basket with all sorts of fun stuff. She casually mentioned to me that if the stickers she bought him ever got stuck in his hair, just use olive oil on them and they would come out very easily. I only half listened because Isaac rarely gets stickers, and because his hair is so short, I didn't think it would be an issue. Little did I know that the 3 Ratatouille stickers he got at the doctors office today would be found in his hair 10 minutes after we got back in the car. I am so glad my aunt told me this great trick, or we would be doing the good ol' "rip the band aid really fast" trick. Unfortunately, by the time we got home he was fast asleep. So in all my motherly wisdom, I decided we would save the sticker fiasco for after his nap.... or until daddy gets home. The joys of spending the day with a 2 year old boy!


Life with Linda said...
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Life with Linda said...

Of course the only reason that I knew about this fix...was that I had to use it myslef..a couple of times lol

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