Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rice, Stew and Dontrella!

I am aware of the fact that only a select amount of people are going to understand this post at all, but when I found these pictures I HAD TO POST THEM!


May-Day said...

YES!!!!! I still don't eat rice to this day. (just kidding).

One Thing... said...

Oh dear Lord!!!! That is hilarious. Where did you find those pictures? Too bad we don't have a picture off all the rice! I love it! Poor Dontrella.

lori bunk said...

i know... i think that is a picture of you decapitating her! can you send me a list of all the babies' names please.

One Thing... said...

I would never do that!!!! I remember coming back froma weekend trip and finding a poor baby hanging from the ceiling because of you and Shawna.

Shawna said...

HOW FUNNY! You know...i think of that rice EVERYTIME I cook rice..seriously, actually last night I made rice..and thought about that! LOL! Oh the memories! And poor rosa parks jr...or dontrella..can't quite remember which baby was which..gosh, how many of those darn things was there floating around out there! Does anyone still have those dolls? Connie? SPeaking of memories Con & Lori...i have 4 cans of potted meat in my cabinet! LOL! Only because ryan's aunt bought them when she was visiting and didn't bring them home with her! It makes me laugh everytime i open the cabinet!

lori bunk said...

potted meat!!! i forgot about that! disgusting!

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