have some really awesome new kids music. I have probably grabbed my
phone over a dozen times to call you about them. You would LOVE these
songs, Ms. Resource Queen! Today as I driving your kids to Summer Camp, I
had one of my favorite songs on. I heard a cute little voice from the
back say "Oh, I like this, what song is this?" I loved that I was able
to tell little Jaimie Jr. about all my new
finds. She was so interested. Then all the kids began dancing and
singing "This is the day You've made, I'll rejoice and be glad in You."
Even Zachary was putting his hands up in the air and yelling "I will
praise" over and over for the entire last 5 minutes of the car ride. It
was just what I needed today. Your beautiful kids reminding me that God
is still worthy of praise... today.