Thursday, September 5, 2013

my very trendy letter to my daughter...

Dear Zoey....
I have been reading a lot of letters to young girls lately. They are everywhere.... pinterest, facebook, blogs, etc... and it started my heart and brain on a journey to decide what I would want to say to you. Don't get me wrong, a lot of these letters are inspiring and very forthcoming, but what I have to say to you was birthed 20 years ago when I was a "Christian" teenager. I knew early on that I was set apart. I guess that's just a fancy way to say that you aren't going to be able to do things the way others do them. I was always ok with that. I never had a problem standing out. The problem creeped in when people started to explain to me why I needed to stand out. It started to become very confusing. I am so grateful that my parents stepped in and made things very clear... and I hope to do that for you, as well.

Here is the one thing I want you to know: You exist to give glory to God. Everything you do, say and choose should be birthed from that knowledge.

Please don't dress modestly to "not turn guys on" or to be "the kind of lady a good guy would want to marry." Dress modestly because you desire to honor God. You see, I dressed modestly and still had guys say perverted things to me. I had to learn early on that choosing to do things God's way doesn't automatically launch you into a world where you will be treated the way God intended. I want you to understand that you were created to bring God fame, whether people respect that or not. Your decision to be a disciple of Christ shouldn't take others into effect at all, only the call of a God who is unwavering, unchanging and unfailing.

Please don't choose to do the right thing because people are upset that Miley Cyrus chose the wrong thing, or because choosing the right thing will "bring the right guy." Do what is right because you want to become more like Jesus... to change the world, to shine your light, to see the power of God displayed before your eyes in a way you never thought imaginable. Please be less concerned about what a guy is looking for in a mate and more concerned about what Christ is looking for in His bride.

And lastly, and most importantly, please don't allow the idea of being a "Christian girl" take your attention away from knowing Christ. The story is about him... never about us. You were created for a specific reason, with amazing gifts and talents, and the ability to love the lonely, the hurting and the confused...whose sole purpose is to be Jesus to a generation who don't know Him. The world doesn't need another nice girl who wears skirts to her knee... they need a young woman of God who is unashamed to be synced with Jesus Christ in everything she does and with a voice of surrender to the One who created her in the 1st place.

Oh, and just for the record... that amazing girl will most likely be wearing skirts to her knee.
- Your Mom-


Deanna said...

Simply amazing.

Life with Linda said...

smart mommy

Keri said...

amazing letter - I will have to copy this and use it myself!! You have an incredible ability to write Lori!!!! Such a great LOVE LOVE!!!

denise said...

Love ita,

Tina said...

Lori! Oh my. You nailed it. The motive. Changes everything! Changes the likelihood of burn out & disappointment. I really needed to read that myself.

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