Saturday, December 8, 2012

1 Corinthians 16:14

The kids were napping so I took the opportunity to run out to the grocery store by myself. While I was checking out there was a stressed mom behind me and her kids were letting her know very loudly that they had enough. I could tell she was embarrassed by the way they were acting by the tears that started to form in eyes. I put all my stuff in the truck and saw her start to load her van behind me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to talk to her... encourage her... bless her. I started over twice and convinced myself to turn around thinking about the fact that I might be embarrassing her by trying to comfort her. Finally, I got over myself and walked over there. As soon as she saw me she started to cry and said "I'm so sorry you had to see that." I started to rub her back and tell her how much I could relate. I gave her some money to get a coffee on her way home and asked if I could pray for her and her kids. She cried harder and asked why I was doing this. I told her that God sees her... she said she wondered that very thing this morning. The story goes on, and by the end we were both in tears.

I am SO done second guessing.
The fact is, I pray for opportunities to minister when all I have to do is look around me. There are hurting people, discouraged people, lonely people and overwhelmed people ALL around us. They are all in need of God's love.... just like we are. I want to let God use me to touch them.

Her name is Stephanie and she has 3 young kids, and she will be at the top of my prayer list this week.



Jaimie said...

God is so good:) I have been thinking about the second-guessing thing so much lately - that when we are prompted to move He has already gone before us...and goes after us...and we can see His hand all over it! How amazing to be used by Him in His intricate plan!!!

MEg said...

LOVE this!

Tina said...

lori! yes. second-guessing, shmecond guessing. i love that you told her God sees her. and the coffee $! just what a mom needs: to be seen, and coffee from a drive-thru on the way home from errands!

Life with Linda said...

Wonderful Lori...someday Stephanie will come to know God and you will be a part of her incredible testimony...a simple act of kindness, one mom to another.

April Maus said...

I loved this, thank you for sharing...and how blessed your day was by simply being obedient to our call as Christ followers!

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