I was interviewed.
A girl who wants to be a mom and be in ministry wanted to get my thoughts on it. I laughed when she asked me because almost daily I am asking my mentors how to do it and I wasn't sure what I would have to say that would be that inspiring. Now that it's over, I have to say it was probably more informative for me than her.
The conclusion: I truly love what I do.
I love being a wife.
I love being a mom.
I love being a youth pastor.
One of the questions that was the hardest for me to answer was:
When do you find time to do the things that YOU love to do?
My answer:
I may not be able to find much time for shopping or reading like I used to, but everyday my life is filled with the things I love- playing hide and seek with my kids while they laugh hysterically, having in depth discussions about theology with my husband while I am slicing up strawberries, talking to a youth about stepping up while they tell me how difficult it is, etc, etc, etc.
I am almost finished with an incredible book by Christine Caine called
"Can I Have and Do It All, Please?" and it has been such a God send. In the 1st chapter she sums up the book by saying
"If we want to do this adventure we call life well, and fulfill the purpose God has for our lives, we need to discover what His definition of 'ALL' is, and go after that."
That's the key: We ABSOLUTELY can have and do it ALL... as long it is
God's All. It may not look like the life you had imagined when you were 13, and it won't look the person's life next to you, but it will be fulfilling and successful if the will of God is driving every moment and every decision. Don't get me wrong, I would love a couple more hours in the day to look things up on the internet or rummage through the sale racks at Marshalls, but for right now, the things I love to do are the things that consume my day. Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of your kingdom and love the people you love.