Monday, April 28, 2008

My Little Soccer Players...

This baby girl (who Isaac wants to name "Elmo") made me remember today what it was like to have my son Isaac inside of me a couple of years ago... like brother, like sister. It's like they are challenged to get my attention, even if it means kicking me spleen 10 times in a row. I started to go through the pics of Isaac his first week here, and realized that it was worth it... even if I have to put up with this for 15 more weeks.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Isaac is probably one of the most active boys I have ever seen. He wakes up around 8:30am and starts to run, he takes a FORCED break for his 2 hour nap, wakes up to run again, and then doesn't stop until we put him down for bed at night. I have a hard time keeping up with him, especially because I don't have as much energy right now as normal... but I am definitely entertained all day long. My only saving grace is that he LOVES books and puzzles. He will sit down on his bed with 5 of his favorite books and "read" for almost an hour. He is a boy after my own heart. Here is his current book selection:

"Going To The Races" by Gina and Mercer Mayer
"I'm A Big Brother" by Joanna Cole
"Copy Cats Animal Noises" by Richard Powell
"Hooray For Fish" by Lucy Cousins
"Counting Colors" by Roger Priddy

Friday, April 18, 2008

Arizona... land of the heat!

So, Chris and I are officially in ARIZONA! We are here visiting Justin and Kyle for the weekend and are already having a great time. As we were landing from our -awful flight- here, we could see the mountains for miles. You forget how UN-scenic the Detroit area is until you take a step outside of the state. As we were walking through the Phoenix airport, Chris and I decided that we are going to move to Seattle or somewhere in Colorado... we would move here, except I wouldn't be able to stand the heat! Kyle is at work, Chris and Justin are out hiking a mountain, and I am enjoying my first morning alone in years... AMAZING! I don't know whether to sit in the sun, read a book or just go and lay down again, so I got on the computer. Needless to say, it's only been 1 day and we are having a great time. I just wish my baby boy was waking up to me today!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's a WHAT???

Chris and I went to our 20-week ultrasound Friday night with a boy name all picked out and ready to go... and then we got the news: It's a girl! The name we have may not work too well. To say that I am shocked is an understatement, this changes EVERYTHING. Makeup, ear piercings, nail polish, hair dye... and boys, ugh! It was nice knowing everyone, but Chris has just informed me that we will be moving to a convent as soon as our daughter is born.
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